2023 / Week 50

2023 / Week 50

The Beauty of BĆ©zier Curves
BĆ©zier curves - how do they do? They're used for animation, text rendering, and all sorts of curved shapes! But how do they actually work? well, like, that's what the video is about, so, watch it to find out etc!! ā€¢ Lots of love to šŸ’› Jazz "queenjazz" Mickle for making the music ā± https://queenjazz.bandcamp.com/ šŸ’™ Grant "3Blue1Brown" Sanderson for pushing me to finally do this ā± https://youtube.com/3blue1brown šŸ¦ Pomax for their wonderful writeup on BĆ©zier curves ā± https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo šŸˆ Thor the cat for.. hanging out.. when I was trying to record audio with no interruptions šŸ‡«šŸ‡· French subtitles by @damqui on Twitter ā€¢ How was this video made? šŸ”Ø Created in the Unity game engine ā­• Using Shapes, my vector graphics plugin ā± https://u3d.as/1W37 šŸ“ˆ Using Mathfs, my math library ā± https://github.com/FreyaHolmer/Mathfs ...along with a bunch of hacky, partially broken, procedural animation tools I made specifically for this video ā€¢ Did you know that "osculating" isn't pronounced that way? āœ… yes I do now in fact please stop commenting on it ;-; ā± https://twitter.com/FreyaHolmer/status/1429472399389507591 ā€¢ Links šŸ’– Patreon ā± https://www.patreon.com/acegikmo šŸ¦ Twitter ā± https://twitter.com/FreyaHolmer šŸ“ŗ Twitch ā± https://www.twitch.tv/acegikmo šŸ’¬ Discord ā± https://discord.gg/v5VWuga šŸŒø Instagram ā± https://instagram.com/freya_holmer 00:00 Intro 01:06 Use Cases of BĆ©zier Curves 01:56 Lerp 02:34 Quadratic BĆ©ziers 03:07 Cubic BĆ©ziers 03:57 De Casteljau's Algorithm 04:25 Bernstein Polynomial Form 06:18 1st Derivative (Velocity) 07:31 Tangents & Normals 08:03 2nd Derivative (Acceleration) 08:31 3rd Derivative (Jerk/Jolt) 09:07 Curvature 11:05 Bounding Box 14:14 Arc Length 15:07 Arc Length Parameterization & Uniform Animation 19:13 Outro 19:54 Credits 23:57 Thor helping me record this at 2am
The Beauty of BĆ©zier Curves
  • ā¬†ļø this is an amazing intro to Bezier curves
  • bezier curves and splines - slides by mit open course ware. really good
Re-rendering improvements for like/unlike
Updated Dec 15, 2023
  • a perf optimization PR by Dan, interesting to see the before / after and the way memos are used & component props are optimized
2023 /